“The Christians Are Just and Good”: Second-Century Christian Advocates in a Negative World

“The Christians Are Just and Good”: Second-Century Christian Advocates in a Negative World

JUSTIN: ”We Who Formerly”

Justin Martyr (ca. 100 – ca. 165 AD) on Christianity as a transformational faith.

JUSTIN: ”Worthy Neither of Blame”

How Justin became Justin Martyr.

JUSTIN: ”The Order of Melchizedek”

Justin Martyr (ca. 100 – ca. 165 AD) on Psalm 110 being about Christ, not Hezekiah.

JUSTIN: ”Hand Down the Myths”

Justin Martyr (ca. 100 – ca. 165 AD) on the demonic origins of pagan mythology.

JUSTIN: ”Excessive Banquetings”

Justin Martyr (ca. 100 – ca. 165 AD) on the decadence of Greek social gatherings.

JUSTIN: ”Verbally Instructs”

Justin Martyr (ca. 100 – ca. 165 AD) on the Order of Worship.

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